Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Day 4: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Installing rgl and Creating Basic 3D Plots

Step 1: Install and Load rgl

1.     Install the rgl package (if you haven’t already):


2.     Load the rgl library:


Step 2: Create a Basic 3D Scatter Plot using plot3d

1.     Generate sample data for plotting:

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
z <- rnorm(100)

2.     Create a 3D scatter plot using plot3d:

plot3d(x, y, z, col = "blue", size = 5, type = "s")
    • col: Set the color of the points.
    • size: Control the point size.
    • type: "s" represents spheres. You can also try other types, like "p" for points.

The plot should now open in an interactive window, allowing you to view your data in 3D.

Step 3: Create a 3D Scatter Plot using scatter3d

1.     Install and load the car package to access the scatter3d function:


2.     Use scatter3d for a quick 3D scatter plot:

scatter3d(x, y, z, surface = FALSE, fit = "linear")
    • surface: Set to FALSE if you don't want a regression surface (3D plane).
    • fit: Set to "linear" for a linear fit (you can also use other fits if you like).

Step 4: Exploring Basic Camera Rotations and Zoom Functions

rgl provides several functions to interactively control the camera's view, allowing you to rotate, zoom, and pan.

1.     Rotate the Camera:

    • The rgl.viewpoint() function allows you to set the camera angle. Try the following command:
rgl.viewpoint(theta = 45, phi = 30)
      • theta: Controls rotation around the z-axis.
      • phi: Controls the vertical rotation.

2.     Zoom In and Out:

    • Adjust the zoom level using the zoom parameter in rgl.viewpoint:
rgl.viewpoint(theta = 45, phi = 30, zoom = 0.7)
      • A zoom value less than 1 will zoom out, while a value greater than 1 will zoom in.

3.     Play Around with Different Viewpoints:

    • Experiment with theta, phi, and zoom to see how they change your perspective. Here are a few examples:
# Top-down view
rgl.viewpoint(theta = 90, phi = 90, zoom = 0.5)
# Side view
rgl.viewpoint(theta = 0, phi = 0, zoom = 0.8)
# Rotate incrementally
for (angle in seq(0, 360, by = 10)) {
  rgl.viewpoint(theta = angle, phi = 30)

Step 5: Practice and Experiment

Explore rgl further by experimenting with different colors, sizes, and types of points in plot3d, or by adjusting the viewpoint using theta and phi in rgl.viewpoint.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Day 3: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Dive into 3D plotting with plotly, exploring 3D scatter and surface plots, and customizing axes and color scales

Step 1: Set Up for 3D Plotting

1.     Load plotly: Make sure plotly is loaded in your R environment.


2.     Create Sample Data: Let’s create sample data for our 3D scatter plot and surface plot.

# Data for 3D Scatter Plot
x_scatter <- rnorm(50)
y_scatter <- rnorm(50)
z_scatter <- rnorm(50)
# Data for 3D Surface Plot
x_surface <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 50)
y_surface <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 50)
z_surface <- outer(x_surface, y_surface, function(x, y) sin(sqrt(x^2 + y^2)))

Step 2: Create a 3D Scatter Plot

1.     Basic 3D Scatter Plot: Use plot_ly() with type = 'scatter3d' to create a basic 3D scatter plot.

scatter3d_plot <- plot_ly(x = ~x_scatter, y = ~y_scatter, z = ~z_scatter, 
                          type = 'scatter3d', mode = 'markers')
    • Explanation:
      • x = ~x_scatter, y = ~y_scatter, and z = ~z_scatter: Set the x, y, and z coordinates.
      • type = 'scatter3d': Specifies a 3D scatter plot.
      • mode = 'markers': Displays only markers (points) in 3D space.

2.     Customize Marker Colors and Sizes:

scatter3d_plot <- plot_ly(x = ~x_scatter, y = ~y_scatter, z = ~z_scatter, 
                          type = 'scatter3d', mode = 'markers',
                          marker = list(size = 5, color = ~z_scatter, colorscale = 'Viridis'))
    • Explanation:
      • size = 5: Adjusts the size of the markers.
      • color = ~z_scatter: Colors markers based on their z values.
      • colorscale = 'Viridis': Applies a color scale to the z values.

Step 3: Create a 3D Surface Plot

1.     Basic 3D Surface Plot: Use plot_ly() with type = 'surface' to create a basic 3D surface plot.

surface_plot <- plot_ly(z = ~z_surface, x = ~x_surface, y = ~y_surface, type = 'surface')
    • Explanation:
      • z = ~z_surface: Sets the height values of the surface.
      • x = ~x_surface and y = ~y_surface: Sets the x and y coordinates for the surface plot.
      • type = 'surface': Specifies a 3D surface plot.

2.     Customize the Surface Plot with a Color Scale:

surface_plot <- plot_ly(z = ~z_surface, x = ~x_surface, y = ~y_surface, 
                        type = 'surface', colorscale = 'Viridis')
    • Explanation:
      • colorscale = 'Viridis': Adds a Viridis color scale, enhancing the visualization of depth.

Step 4: Customize Axes

You can adjust the axis properties to improve the plot’s readability and style.

1.     Customize 3D Scatter Plot Axes:

scatter3d_plot <- scatter3d_plot %>%
  layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "X Axis", backgroundcolor = "lightgrey", gridcolor = "white"),
                      yaxis = list(title = "Y Axis", backgroundcolor = "lightgrey", gridcolor = "white"),
                      zaxis = list(title = "Z Axis", backgroundcolor = "lightgrey", gridcolor = "white")))
    • Explanation:
      • scene: Defines 3D plot layout options, including xaxis, yaxis, and zaxis.
      • title: Sets custom titles for each axis.
      • backgroundcolor and gridcolor: Adjust axis background and grid colors.

2.     Customize 3D Surface Plot Axes:

surface_plot <- surface_plot %>%
  layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "X Axis", color = "blue"),
                      yaxis = list(title = "Y Axis", color = "green"),
                      zaxis = list(title = "Z Axis", color = "red")))

Step 5: Experiment with Different Color Scales

plotly provides several color scales. Try using different ones to see their effects on your plot.

1.     Apply Different Color Scales to the 3D Scatter Plot:

scatter3d_plot <- plot_ly(x = ~x_scatter, y = ~y_scatter, z = ~z_scatter, 
                          type = 'scatter3d', mode = 'markers',
                          marker = list(size = 5, color = ~z_scatter, colorscale = 'Cividis'))

2.     Apply Different Color Scales to the 3D Surface Plot:

surface_plot <- plot_ly(z = ~z_surface, x = ~x_surface, y = ~y_surface, 
                        type = 'surface', colorscale = 'Electric')
    • Other Color Scales:
      • Try color scales like Jet, Bluered, RdBu, YlGnBu, Greens, and Portland to see different effects.

Step 6: Combine All Customizations

Let’s bring everything together to create a polished 3D scatter and 3D surface plot.

Final 3D Scatter Plot with Customizations

final_scatter3d <- plot_ly(x = ~x_scatter, y = ~y_scatter, z = ~z_scatter, 
                           type = 'scatter3d', mode = 'markers',
                           marker = list(size = 5, color = ~z_scatter, colorscale = 'Viridis')) %>%
  layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "X Axis", backgroundcolor = "lightgrey", gridcolor = "white"),
                      yaxis = list(title = "Y Axis", backgroundcolor = "lightgrey", gridcolor = "white"),
                      zaxis = list(title = "Z Axis", backgroundcolor = "lightgrey", gridcolor = "white")))

Final 3D Surface Plot with Customizations

final_surface_plot <- plot_ly(z = ~z_surface, x = ~x_surface, y = ~y_surface, 
                              type = 'surface', colorscale = 'Electric') %>%
  layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "X Axis", color = "blue"),
                      yaxis = list(title = "Y Axis", color = "green"),
                      zaxis = list(title = "Z Axis", color = "red")))


Today, you:

  • Learned to create 3D scatter and surface plots using plotly.
  • Customized marker colors and sizes for 3D scatter plots.
  • Applied color scales to enhance visual appeal.
  • Customized axes in 3D space, including titles, colors, and backgrounds.

Next, you’ll build on this knowledge by diving into more complex plot customizations and interactive features to make the plots even more informative.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Day 30: Blender tutorial for making illustrations – Upload and Share Your First Video

1. Finalize Your Video File

Before you upload your video, make sure it is in the correct format for YouTube. The most common format is MP4, which provides a good balance between file size and quality. You should have done this on Day 29, but double-check the following:

  • Resolution: YouTube recommends 1080p (1920x1080) for standard videos.
  • Frame rate: Use a consistent frame rate (e.g., 30fps).
  • Aspect ratio: Standard aspect ratio is 16:9.

If everything is correct, you’re ready to proceed with the upload.

2. Log in to Your YouTube Account

  • Visit YouTube Studio.
  • Sign in using your Google account credentials.

3. Navigate to the Video Upload Section

  • Once logged in, click the Create button (a camera icon with a plus sign), located at the top-right corner of the page.
  • Select Upload Videos from the dropdown menu.

4. Upload Your Video

  • Drag and Drop your video file into the upload area or click Select Files to browse for it manually on your computer.
  • Wait for the video to upload. During the upload process, YouTube will show a progress bar.

5. Title Your Video

Choose a title that is SEO-friendly and accurately describes your content. Since your video is an illustrative educational video, include keywords such as "illustrative", "educational", and the topic covered in the video.

Example: "Illustrative Flowchart on Cell Division – Educational Video Tutorial"

6. Write a Description

The description is crucial for both viewers and search engines. Write a detailed and engaging description that explains what the video is about and what the audience will learn.


  • Start with a short, attention-grabbing intro about the video.
  • Mention the key concepts covered in the video.
  • Add relevant keywords for SEO purposes.
  • Include timestamps if the video has multiple sections.
  • Finally, add any links to related content, including your social media or Patreon link.

7. Set Your Video Thumbnail

You can upload a custom thumbnail for your video, which is the image viewers will see before clicking on the video. A well-designed thumbnail can significantly increase click-through rates. Make sure it:

  • Is visually appealing and informative.
  • Reflects the content of your video (e.g., flowchart, illustrations).
  • Has large, readable text if necessary.
  • Is 1280x720 pixels in resolution.

8. Add Tags

Tags help YouTube understand the content of your video and recommend it to the right audience. Use tags related to the video's content.

  • Example tags: "illustration", "Blender tutorial", "educational video", "flowchart", "Quranic content".

9. Select Playlists (Optional)

If you have playlists on your channel (e.g., educational series), you can add the video to relevant playlists. This helps organize your content and improve viewer retention.

10. Audience Settings

Select whether your video is made for kids or not. If your video is for a general audience, select "No, it’s not made for kids" unless the video content specifically targets children.

11. Set Video Visibility

YouTube allows you to choose when and how your video becomes visible:

  • Public: The video is immediately visible to everyone.
  • Private: Only you and people you invite can view the video.
  • Unlisted: Only people with the link can view it.
  • Scheduled: You can set a specific date and time for the video to go public.

If you want your video to be immediately available, choose Public.

12. Add End Screens and Cards (Optional)

End screens and cards can help promote other content on your channel. You can:

  • Add related videos to the end screen.
  • Suggest other playlists.
  • Direct viewers to your Patreon or other social media.

13. Review and Publish

  • Once you’ve filled out all the details, review them to ensure everything is correct.
  • Click Publish (or Schedule if you selected that option).

14. Share Your Video

After publishing, share your video to increase its reach:

  • Share on social media: Post on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Embed on your website or blog if you have one.
  • Send to your email list if you have subscribers.
  • Post the link in relevant online communities or forums where people might find the video valuable.

15. Monitor Video Performance

After uploading, keep an eye on the video’s performance in YouTube Studio:

  • Check for views, likes, comments, and engagement statistics.
  • Respond to comments to engage with your audience.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Day 29: Blender tutorial for making illustrations – Preparing a YouTube-Ready Video


Step 1: Review the Final Video

Before diving into YouTube optimizations, you’ll need to ensure that your video is polished and fully edited. Recheck:

  • Voice Syncing: Ensure that your voiceover aligns with the visuals.
  • Subtitles & Captions: If you added subtitles on Day 27, confirm they appear at the right times.
  • Transitions & Animations: Make sure animations, transitions, and effects are smooth and visually appealing.
  • Audio Quality: Ensure clear, crisp audio without background noise.

Step 2: Choose the Correct Video Format

YouTube supports multiple video formats, but the preferred and most widely compatible is MP4. Blender allows exporting animations in MP4 format.

  1. Go to the "Output Properties" tab in Blender.
  2. Under File Format, select FFmpeg Video.
  3. Container: Choose MPEG-4 (MP4) for YouTube compatibility.
  4. Codec: Ensure the video codec is set to H.264, which offers the best balance of quality and file size.
  5. Audio Codec: If you added a voiceover, select AAC for the audio codec, which is also YouTube-friendly.

Step 3: Set Resolution & Frame Rate

For optimal YouTube video quality, adjust the resolution and frame rate in Blender:

  • Resolution: Set the resolution to 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD). This is the standard for YouTube videos and ensures your content looks crisp.
  • Frame Rate: YouTube videos should ideally be at 30 FPS (frames per second) or 60 FPS for smoother animations.
    • You can change this under Dimensions > Frame Rate in Blender’s Output Properties.

Step 4: Adjust Bitrate for Video Quality

You want a good balance between file size and quality. When exporting your video, pay attention to the bitrate:

  • Bitrate for Full HD: Set the bitrate to 10,000–12,000 kbps for high-quality 1080p video.
    • You can set this in Blender under the "Encoding" options (part of the Output Properties tab).

Step 5: Add a Thumbnail

Thumbnails are crucial for YouTube videos, as they determine whether viewers click on your video. You can create a custom thumbnail in Blender using a still frame from your video or a separately designed image.

  1. Select an appealing frame from your video or create a separate visual using text and graphics.
  2. Export it as an image (preferably PNG or JPEG).
  3. Make sure the thumbnail has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels.

Step 6: Optimize Video Title, Description, and Tags

Now that your video is YouTube-ready, let’s focus on the metadata to maximize visibility.

  • Title: Create a clear, engaging, and descriptive title.
    • Example: "Learn Medical Concepts with Blender Animations | Flowcharts & Diagrams Explained"
  • Description: Add a detailed description summarizing the video content.
    • Include relevant keywords like "Blender tutorial," "flowcharts," "educational diagrams," "Quran learning," or any other topic covered.
    • Add your Patreon link, social media handles, or any links to additional resources.
  • Tags: Use relevant keywords that describe your video. For example, "Blender," "educational videos," "flowcharts," "mindmaps," and your niche like "biology," "Quranic learning," etc.

Step 7: Video Settings for Uploading

Before uploading, double-check the following YouTube settings:

  • Privacy Setting: Choose Public to make the video available to everyone, or Unlisted if you want to share it with select individuals first.
  • Category: Select the correct category, such as Education.
  • Monetization (Optional): If you’re eligible for monetization, turn this on.
  • Video Language & Captions: Set the language of the video and enable captions if applicable.

Step 8: Video End Screens and Cards

Enhance engagement by adding:

  • End Screens: Include clickable elements at the end of your video for viewers to subscribe, watch more videos, or visit your website.
  • Cards: You can add interactive elements during the video to link to related content or playlists.

Step 9: Review and Upload

Once everything is set:

  1. Upload your video using YouTube's "Upload" feature.
  2. Double-check the preview of the video to ensure everything (title, description, thumbnail) appears correctly.
  3. Publish your video.


Your video is now YouTube-ready and will have the right quality, engaging metadata, and appealing visuals to attract and retain viewers.


ERROR.TYPE function in Microsoft Excel