Showing posts with label gganimate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gganimate. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Day 12 and Last Day: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Create a Time-Based 3D Animation Using rgl and gganimate


N.B.: This is the last of learning a combination of rgl, plotly, and gganimate, as it becomes difficult to combine all these at this time.  

Step 1: Install Required Packages

Before starting, ensure the following packages are installed:

install.packages(c("rgl", "ggplot2", "gganimate", "ggimage"))

Step 2: Generate 3D Frames Using rgl

1.     Setup the Environment: Create a 3D scatter plot that rotates over time.

# Create a 3D scatter plot
n <- 100  # Number of points
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- rnorm(n)
z <- rnorm(n)
col <- rainbow(n)
open3d()  # Initialize the 3D plot
plot3d(x, y, z, col = col, size = 5)

2.     Rotate and Save Frames: Capture frames by rotating the plot over time and saving each frame as an image.

frames_dir <- "frames"
dir.create(frames_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)  # Create a directory for frames
# Generate and save frames
for (i in 1:100) {
    view3d(userMatrix = rotationMatrix(pi * i / 50, 0, 1, 0))  # Rotate around Y-axis
    snapshot3d(file.path(frames_dir, paste0("frame_", sprintf("%03d", i), ".png")))

Step 3: Animate Frames Using gganimate

1.     Prepare Frame Data: Load the saved frames and prepare a data frame for animation.

# List saved frames
frame_paths <- list.files(frames_dir, full.names = TRUE)
# Create a data frame
frame_df <- data.frame(
    frame = frame_paths,
    time = 1:length(frame_paths),  # Time points for animation
    x = 0,  # Placeholder for x-coordinate
    y = 0   # Placeholder for y-coordinate

2.     Build the Animation: Use gganimate to create the animation from the frames.

animation <- ggplot(frame_df, aes(x = x, y = y, image = frame)) +
    geom_image(size = 1) +              # Add images to the plot
    transition_time(time) +            # Transition over the time variable
    enter_fade() +                     # Fade-in effect
    exit_fade() +                      # Fade-out effect
    theme_void()                       # Remove unnecessary plot elements

3.     Save the Animation: Export the animation as a GIF.

anim_save("3d_time_animation.gif", animation)

Step 4: Review and Debug

  • Check the saved animation in your working directory (3d_time_animation.gif).
  • If the animation doesn’t look smooth, adjust the number of frames or transition settings.

Key Notes

  1. Custom Rotation: You can modify the view3d() function to rotate around different axes or add zoom effects.
  2. Image Quality: Ensure the rgl frames are saved with high resolution for better animation quality.
  3. Animation Effects: Experiment with different gganimate effects like ease_aes() or transitions (transition_states()).

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Day 11: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Learn How to Save rgl 3D Frames and Stitch Them Into an Animation With gganimate


Step 1: Set Up the Environment

1.     Install Required Packages
Ensure you have the following packages installed:

install.packages(c("rgl", "gganimate", "magick"))

The magick package will handle image processing for stitching frames.

2.     Load the Libraries
Load the necessary libraries:


Step 2: Create an rgl 3D Plot

1.     Generate Data for 3D Visualization
Create a 3D dataset for plotting:

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
z <- rnorm(100)
colors <- rainbow(100)
# Create a 3D scatter plot
plot3d(x, y, z, col = colors, size = 5, type = "s")

2.     Set Up Rotation or Camera Movements
Define the rotation sequence or camera viewpoints:

n_frames <- 36  # Number of frames
angles <- seq(0, 360, length.out = n_frames)

Step 3: Save rgl Frames

1.     Create a Temporary Directory for Frames
Create a directory to save the images:


2.     Save Each Frame
Loop through the angles and save an image for each:

for (i in seq_along(angles)) {
    rgl.viewpoint(theta = angles[i], phi = 30, fov = 60)
    snapshot3d(sprintf("rgl_frames/frame_%03d.png", i))

Step 4: Combine Frames Into an Animation

1.     Use magick to Stitch Images
Load and combine the images:

frames <- list.files("rgl_frames", full.names = TRUE, pattern = "png")
animation <- image_read(frames) %>%
             image_animate(fps = 10)  # Set frames per second

2.     Save the Animation
Save the animation as a GIF:

image_write(animation, "rgl_animation.gif")

Step 5: (Optional) Combine With gganimate

1.     Create a Data Frame for gganimate
If you want to integrate gganimate, create a dataset representing each frame's data:

animation_data <- data.frame(
    x = rep(x, n_frames),
    y = rep(y, n_frames),
    z = rep(z, n_frames),
    frame = rep(1:n_frames, each = length(x))

2.     Visualize With ggplot2 and gganimate
Use ggplot2 to create a dynamic scatter plot:

ggplot(animation_data, aes(x = x, y = y, color = z, frame = frame)) +
    geom_point() +
    transition_manual(frame) +

Step 6: Clean Up

1.     Remove Temporary Files
Delete the directory containing frames:

unlink("rgl_frames", recursive = TRUE)

2.     Review the Final Animation
Check the GIF and tweak the settings (e.g., angles, FPS) if needed.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Day 10: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Create an Animated Scatter Plot with gganimate and Enhance it with Plotly Hover Details


Step 1: Install and Load Required Libraries

Ensure you have all the necessary libraries installed. Use the following code:

# Install required packages
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "gganimate", "plotly"))
# Load the libraries

Step 2: Prepare the Dataset

Use a time-series dataset or create a sample dataset for the scatter plot. For this example:

# Create a sample dataset
data <- data.frame(
  Time = rep(1:10, each = 10),
  X = runif(100, min = 1, max = 100),
  Y = runif(100, min = 1, max = 100),
  Category = rep(letters[1:10], times = 10)

Step 3: Create the Static ggplot

Set up the scatter plot with ggplot2:

# Create the base plot
static_plot <- ggplot(data, aes(x = X, y = Y, color = Category, frame = Time)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  labs(title = "Scatter Plot Over Time", x = "X-Axis", y = "Y-Axis") +

Step 4: Animate the Plot with gganimate

Use transition_time to animate the plot over the Time variable:

# Animate the scatter plot
animated_plot <- static_plot +
  transition_time(Time) +
  labs(subtitle = 'Time: {frame_time}')
# Render the animation (optional, for preview)
animate(animated_plot, nframes = 100, fps = 10)

Step 5: Export Animation Frames

Save animation frames for converting to Plotly:

# Save each frame
animation_frames <- animate(animated_plot, renderer = file_renderer(dir = "frames", overwrite = TRUE))

Step 6: Convert ggplot to Plotly for Interactivity

Add Plotly's hover functionality to the ggplot-based animation:

# Convert the static ggplot to a plotly object
plotly_plot <- ggplotly(static_plot, tooltip = c("Category", "X", "Y"))
# Add animation controls
plotly_plot <- plotly_plot %>%
  animation_opts(frame = 1000, redraw = TRUE) %>%
  animation_slider(currentvalue = list(prefix = "Time: "))

Step 7: Combine gganimate and Plotly

Overlay gganimate animations on the interactive Plotly scatter plot:

# Generate the final interactive plot
final_plot <- plot_ly(
  data = data,
  x = ~X,
  y = ~Y,
  color = ~Category,
  frame = ~Time,
  text = ~paste("Category:", Category, "<br>X:", round(X, 2), "<br>Y:", round(Y, 2)),
  hoverinfo = "text",
  type = 'scatter',
  mode = 'markers'
) %>%
    title = "Interactive Scatter Plot with Animation",
    xaxis = list(title = "X-Axis"),
    yaxis = list(title = "Y-Axis")

Step 8: Preview and Save

Render and view the interactive plot:

# Render the interactive animated plot
# Save the plot as an HTML file

htmlwidgets::saveWidget(final_plot, "animated_scatter_plot.html")

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Day 9: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Practice Using Plotly's Interactivity Features with gganimate-Based Animations

Step 1: Load Necessary Libraries

Ensure you have the required packages installed. Use the following code to load them:

# Install required packages if not already installed
install.packages(c("gganimate", "plotly", "ggplot2", "dplyr"))
# Load libraries

Step 2: Prepare the Dataset

Use a dataset with temporal and categorical components. Here, we'll use the built-in gapminder dataset (install gapminder package if needed).

# Install gapminder if not installed
# Filter dataset for simplicity
data <- gapminder %>% filter(year %in% c(2002, 2007))

Step 3: Create an Animated Plot with gganimate

Generate a simple animated scatter plot showing the relationship between GDP per capita and life expectancy.

# Create the base plot
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, size = pop, color = continent)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
  scale_x_log10() + # Log scale for GDP
  labs(title = "Year: {frame_time}", x = "GDP per Capita", y = "Life Expectancy") +
  theme_minimal() +
  transition_time(year) +
# Animate the plot
animated_plot <- animate(p, nframes = 100, fps = 20, renderer = gifski_renderer())

Step 4: Convert the Animation to Plotly

Extract individual frames from the animation and wrap them into a plotly interactive visualization.

# Convert animation frames to a data frame for Plotly
frame_data <- data %>%
  mutate(frame = as.factor(year))
# Create an interactive plot using plotly
interactive_plot <- plot_ly(
  data = frame_data,
  x = ~gdpPercap,
  y = ~lifeExp,
  size = ~pop,
  color = ~continent,
  frame = ~frame,
  text = ~paste("Country:", country, "<br>Life Expectancy:", lifeExp, "<br>GDP per Capita:", gdpPercap),
  hoverinfo = "text",
  type = 'scatter',
  mode = 'markers',
  marker = list(opacity = 0.7)
interactive_plot <- interactive_plot %>%
    title = "Interactive Animation: Life Expectancy vs GDP",
    xaxis = list(title = "GDP per Capita (Log Scale)", type = "log"),
    yaxis = list(title = "Life Expectancy")

Step 5: Add Zoom and Pan Interactivity

Enable zoom and pan features to enhance the user experience.

interactive_plot <- interactive_plot %>%
  layout(dragmode = "zoom") %>%
  config(scrollZoom = TRUE)
# View the interactive plot

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Day 8: 30-days to learn rgl, plotly, and gganimate - Creating Animated Plots with gganimate and Exporting Frames to Plotly


Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

  1. Install Required Packages: Ensure you have the following libraries installed:

install.packages(c("gganimate", "ggplot2", "plotly"))

  1. Load Libraries:




Step 2: Prepare Your Dataset

  1. Use a time-based dataset or create one for practice. For example:

data <- data.frame(

  year = rep(2000:2010, each = 3),

  category = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = 11),

  value = runif(33, 10, 100)


  1. Preview your dataset:


Step 3: Create a Static ggplot

  1. Start by plotting the data without animation:

p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = year, y = value, color = category)) +

  geom_line(aes(group = category)) +

  theme_minimal() +

  labs(title = "Value Trends Over Time", x = "Year", y = "Value")

  1. Print the plot to ensure correctness:


Step 4: Animate the Plot with gganimate

  1. Add animation to visualize trends over time:

animated_plot <- p +

  transition_time(year) +

  ease_aes('linear') +

  labs(subtitle = "Year: {frame_time}")

  1. Render the animation in your RStudio viewer:

animate(animated_plot, nframes = 100, fps = 10)

  1. Save the animation as a GIF (optional):

anim_save("animated_plot.gif", animation = animated_plot)

Step 5: Export Frames to Plotly

Here’s a corrected version of how to export frames to Plotly:

  1. Add a Frame Column: Add a frame column to the dataset for use in plot_ly():

data$frame <- data$year

  1. Create a Plotly Animation: Use plot_ly() to build the animated visualization. Explicitly set the trace type to "scatter" and specify the mode:

plotly_animation <- plot_ly(

  data = data,

  x = ~year,

  y = ~value,

  color = ~category,

  frame = ~frame,

  type = "scatter",

  mode = "lines+markers"

) %>%


    title = "Interactive Animation with Plotly",

    xaxis = list(title = "Year"),

    yaxis = list(title = "Value")


  1. Render the Plotly Animation: Display the interactive animated plot:


FTEST Function in Microsoft Excel