Taig, a Chinese app store written in Chinese, is rumored to
sponsor $1 million to "evad3rs" - jailbreak development team - to
jailbreak for Apple’s iOS 7.
The jailbreak team has noted in an open letter on its website that they have
received compensation from Taig,
“Yes, we have benefitted financially from our work, just as
many others in the jailbreak community have, including tweak developers, repo
owners, etc. Any jailbreak from us will always be free to the users but we
believe we have a right to be compensated in an ethical way, just as any other
developer.” And the compensation is rumored to be about $1 million.
Rumor: Chinese company pays $1 million to sponsor jailbreak
for Apple's iOS 7 - AppleInsider (http://goo.gl/2qdJu7)