Sunday, September 8, 2024

Post 3/30: Real-estate business model may not be of such good value

(Source: Pixabay)

I thought of learning about different aspects of Pakistan, as I want to do something for it. Therefore, I started with some of the well-known indices or reports that would help me in gaining more information about Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT). These were 12 posts. You can search my posts related to Pakistan by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_Pakistan

Now, I have been learning about real estate business in Pakistan. I have started from Youtube videos and hopefully during my learning Journey, I will get some more useful resources to move ahead in this learning and perhaps entering into the real estate business.

I have seen a video, titled, “Real estate situation in Pakistan | Pakistan future | Naeem Sikandar Podcast Clip” on the channel “Naeem Sikandar Clip.”

In other country, you put yourself in “lottery” where everyone puts money to get a huge amount of money, and one takes all that money. Here, it is “halalified” with the start of “files.”

The host is of opinion that when society’s money for productive work goes to real estate, obviously real estate’s value increases. However, money increases but productivity decreases. Moreover, real estate business can be considered a “bubble” that may burst any time.

The rent of a house is almost 1%. An example of a house in F-10, Islamabad has also been given. For instance, a house of about 1000 guz has a price ranging from 15 crore to 20 crore, and the owner of that house can get a rent in the range from 2.5 lac to 3 lac. This percentage is very less as compared to several other business models.

Another point that has been generated is that, it is psychi, that earning money on files is easy.

Follow my Hashtag #behtareenkitalaash on Youtube:


Naeem Sikandar Clip -

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