Sunday, September 8, 2024

Post 3/30: Real-estate business model may not be of such good value

(Source: Pixabay)

I thought of learning about different aspects of Pakistan, as I want to do something for it. Therefore, I started with some of the well-known indices or reports that would help me in gaining more information about Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT). These were 12 posts. You can search my posts related to Pakistan by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_Pakistan

Now, I have been learning about real estate business in Pakistan. I have started from Youtube videos and hopefully during my learning Journey, I will get some more useful resources to move ahead in this learning and perhaps entering into the real estate business.

I have seen a video, titled, “Real estate situation in Pakistan | Pakistan future | Naeem Sikandar Podcast Clip” on the channel “Naeem Sikandar Clip.”

In other country, you put yourself in “lottery” where everyone puts money to get a huge amount of money, and one takes all that money. Here, it is “halalified” with the start of “files.”

The host is of opinion that when society’s money for productive work goes to real estate, obviously real estate’s value increases. However, money increases but productivity decreases. Moreover, real estate business can be considered a “bubble” that may burst any time.

The rent of a house is almost 1%. An example of a house in F-10, Islamabad has also been given. For instance, a house of about 1000 guz has a price ranging from 15 crore to 20 crore, and the owner of that house can get a rent in the range from 2.5 lac to 3 lac. This percentage is very less as compared to several other business models.

Another point that has been generated is that, it is psychi, that earning money on files is easy.

Follow my Hashtag #behtareenkitalaash on Youtube:


Naeem Sikandar Clip -

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Post 2/30: Start a real estate business along with your daily work


(Source: Pixabay)

I thought of learning about different aspects of Pakistan, as I want to do something for it. Therefore, I started with some of the well-known indices or reports that would help me in gaining more information about Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT). These were 12 posts. You can search my posts related to Pakistan by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_Pakistan

Now, I have been learning about real estate business in Pakistan. I have started from Youtube videos and hopefully during my learning Journey, I will get some more useful resources to move ahead in this learning and perhaps entering into the real estate business.

I have seen a video, titled, “How To Invest 15-20 Lac Rs in Real Estate Pakistan? How To Go From 20 Lac To 1 Crore In Pakistan?” on the channel “Property Vision TV.”

The host of the video suggests that it would be better to develop a separate real estate portfolio while doing your work on one side with which you would keep on moving your daily routines. The real estate portfolio could help in improving your business. Consider it as a challenge, as only challenges can help you in growing and moving or advancing to next stage.

The host also suggests that try to make an asset after every 3 to 4 years. In this way, you would be at a very good financial position after about 20 years. This could also help people in their older ages (such as after 50 or 60 years), as it would help in generating money from money, and the older person would not have to work to generate money.

Follow my Hashtag #behtareenkitalaash on Youtube:



Friday, September 6, 2024

Post 1/30: Investment in Real-Estate in Pakistan can be Profitable, but at a cost

(Source: Pixabay)

I thought of learning about different aspects of Pakistan, as I want to do something for it. Therefore, I started with some of the well-known indices or reports that would help me in gaining more information about Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT). These were 12 posts. You can search my posts related to Pakistan by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_Pakistan

Now, I am going to learn about real estate business in Pakistan. Obviously, I will start from Youtube videos and hopefully during my learning Journey, I will get some more useful resources to move ahead in this learning and perhaps entering into the real estate business.

I have started with a video, titled: How Much Profit You Will Get If You Invest In Real Estate Pakistan? How Much Profit In 3 Years?” on the channel “Property Vision TV.”

The host of the video says that investment in property (real estate) is good and it nearly doubles during the next two to three years. One of the reasons behind this increase is that no one (from outside) is appropriately investing in Pakistan. Due to this, the host tells that the rates of assets have increased. For instance, rates of cement have increased (nearly doubled) during the past few years (2 to 2.5 years) that is also one of the reasons for the increase in the rates of apartments. In the same way, labour (fees) has also increased as cost of everything has increased. Moreover, all types of machinery (that coming from outside of Pakistan) have become costly, and one reason is that of increased rate of electricity.

The host also tells that population is ever-increasing. Every year, 80,000,00 new (people) born. Many people are getting married. All they require, food to eat, clothes to cover their body, and houses to live. All these things are increasing in cost.

The host also tells that about 20% people in Pakistan are really rich people. They can purchase property.

The host is not sure about plots and files, but he considers apartments, shops, and offices in buildings, where work has constantly been done, important in terms of profit. This can be considered one of the most beneficial way of doubling your money in business.

Follow my Hashtag #behtareenkitalaash on Youtube:



Thursday, August 1, 2024

ERF Function in Microsoft Excel - A simple illustration

DEC2OCT function ERF function ERF function ERF function =ERF(lower_limit, [upper_limit]) =ERF(lower_limit, [upper_limit]) =ERF(lower_limit, [upper_limit]) formula formula formula The ERF function in Excel calculates the error function, which is a mathematical function used in probability, statistics, and partial differential equations. It is particularly useful in problems involving normal distributions and diffusion processes. The ERF function in Excel calculates the error function, whic... The ERF function in Excel calculates the error function, which is a mathematical function used in probability, statistics, and partial differential equations. It is particularly useful in problems involving normal distributions and diffusion processes. lower_limit: This is the lower bound for integrating the error function. lower_limit: This is the lower bound for integrating the erro... lower_limit: This is the lower bound for integrating the error function.upper_limit (optional): This is the upper bound for integrating the error function. If omitted, Excel assumes it to be zero. example example example gives gives gives illustration Usman Zafar Paracha 2 Usman Zafar Paracha Usman Zafar Paracha Patreon and LinkedIn links LinkedIn Profile /usmanzafarparacha /usmanzafarparacha /usmanzafarparacha LinkedIn Patreon profile /uzparacha /uzparacha /uzparacha Patreon DCOUNTA function link DCOUNTA function DCOUNTA DCOUNTA Click Sheet.969 Then then then Usman Zafar Paracha 1 Usman Zafar Paracha Usman Zafar Paracha Click here DEC2HEX function DEC2HEX function DEC2HEX function Click Sheet.976 Suppose, we have this lower limit Suppose, we have this lower limit Suppose, we have this lower limit Formula: =ERF(A1) Formula: =ERF(A1) Formula: =ERF(A1) Usman Zafar Paracha 4 Usman Zafar Paracha Usman Zafar Paracha Excel example Excel example 2 Excel answer

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Unlocking Human Dynamics: The Power of Social Interaction in Shaping Psychology

Social Interaction
(Source: Pixabay)

Psychology, the study of me and you, has largely been interesting because of its ability to bring forth the hidden us. Nevertheless, one of the evidence-based branches of psychology, experimental psychology, has most dealt with individuals for the past several decades. It has been discussed how brain and neural activity in the body shape us. However, now the focus has changed from studying psychology in individuals to studying it in relation to the interaction of individuals with each other.

Experts, and believe it or not, every individual with a sound mind believes that people are shaped by their interactions. This interaction starts at the very beginning of life. For instance, an infant is unable to live without interacting with their parents, and their parents, in turn, feel rewarded when they fulfill their infant’s needs. With the passage of time, when infants grow, they start showing interaction with other people. They develop social interaction, in which they not only shape the thinking and behavior of others but are also shaped by the thinking and behavior of others. They like gossiping with like-minded people. Interestingly, the level of social interaction is not limited to human beings; other species also show this interaction. Experts opinionated that all these processes give strength to the idea that studying an individual in isolation may not be of sufficient help as compared to studying the individuals in their social context in which they interact with each other.

Social Interaction
(Source: Pixabay)

Researchers in the field of psychology have also developed several instruments and resources to study social. Initially, interaction chronographs were developed and audio recordings were studied, but in recent times, computers have been more successfully used in the study of interaction psychology. With further advancements and the increased utilization of natural language processing (NLP) techniques and other approaches, such as the usage of body camera footage, the interaction processes have been rigorously studied. Machine learning algorithms have also been largely utilized to detect linguistic patterns and behaviors and explore interaction approaches. Researchers keep on exploring large-scale social media data in combination with NLP techniques to study the influence of different minds on each other, co-creation of ideas, sharing of emotional experiences, and developing bonds. Now, it has been learned that people keep on learning and remembering new information, and these processes are largely based on the types and patterns of social interactions.

Consequently, experts stated, “The most important determinants of successful development, mental health, and our individual traits and preferences arise from interacting with other individuals. Social interaction underpins who we are, how we think, and how we behave.”


Wheatley, T., Thornton, M. A., Stolk, A., & Chang, L. J. (2024). The Emerging Science of Interacting Minds. Perspect Psychol Sci, 19(2), 355-373.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Unlocking Rural Prosperity: The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Chinese Farmers' Livelihoods

Path to entrepreneurship
(Source: Pixabay)

Entrepreneurship has gained huge momentum over the past few decades. It has changed business-related activities in almost all areas of life. In line with this change, entrepreneurship has also been found to have a considerable effect on the activities of farmers. It has significantly altered their creativity and enthusiasm, thereby empowering them in different ways.

In the context of China, rural entrepreneurship and innovation among farmers have received a huge amount of attention. It has also affected not only the work but also the lives of farmers in both positive and unwanted ways. For instance, on one side, it has increased their level of energy, creativity, and enthusiasm; on the other side, it has also resulted in blindly following others’ ideas and ways that are eventually resulting in a negative effect on incomes, stable development, and agricultural activities. It can also be linked to the waste of resources, social conflicts, and environmental damage.

Chinese agriculture and farming
(Source: Pixabay)

Pan and collaborators have recently discussed the effect of farmers’ entrepreneurial activities on agriculture and rural economic growth in China. They studied 30 provinces in China during the years from 2015 to 2020. They reported that even though the speed of innovation and entrepreneurial activities in rural areas of China has increased, it is still important to optimize these activities and patterns, which may require appropriate education and training for farmers. They also found that innovation and entrepreneurial activities not only boost progress in one area but also in neighboring areas. For instance, the neighboring areas also utilize the same marketing strategies and economic characteristics to improve their agricultural businesses. It has also been reported that innovation and entrepreneurial activities significantly benefit grain-consuming areas and high-income areas.

Incentives and financial rewards
(Source: Pixabay)

In order to improve innovation and entrepreneurial activities, the government can provide tailored support to these people to make progress by overcoming barriers. For instance, these people can be provided customized incentives and helped through support groups so that they can make progress in a conducive environment. Policies can be developed to strengthen agricultural disciplines in colleges, train agricultural talents, and attract skilled professionals from not only different parts of the country but also different parts of the world. Eventually, the government can help farmers and other individuals from rural areas integrate novel technologies, such as the internet and artificial intelligence (AI), into agriculture to advance rural modernization. In this regard, awareness campaigns, training sessions, and the establishment of modern agricultural parks can be of significant help.

Consequently, researchers stated, “innovation and entrepreneurship have an obvious positive effect and exemplary effect in rural regions.”


Pan, Y., Zhang, S., & Zhang, M. (2024). The impact of entrepreneurship of farmers on agriculture and rural economic growth: Innovation-driven perspective. Innovation and Green Development3(1), 100093.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Major Medical Innovations in China 2022

Chine medical innovation
(Source: Pixabay)

The world is experiencing rapid advancements in different fields of life. Among those fields, technological advancements in the field of medicine are at a higher level, as these can help improve the overall health of people. From around the world, healthcare organizations and agencies are increasing their funding in the context of medical innovations. For instance, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) increased the annual budget from $19.8 billion in 2001 to $41.1 billion in 2020, and the European Union planned to invest 100 billion euros as a part of the “Horizon 2020 initiative to support medical and health-related research. In the same way, the National Key Research and Development Program of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China worked on several programs related to life sciences. Moreover, the initiative of "China annual major medical innovation” presented by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) has also gained huge attention from the Chinese government and several other sectors of science and technology.

In the "China annual major medical innovation 2022" initiative organized by the CAMS, 31 items or services have been found to be of major importance. Among these items or services, seven are related to clinical medicine, two are related to pharmacology, four relate to stomatology, eight are related to fundamental medicine and biology, five are related to public health and the environment, and five are related to biomedical engineering and informatics.

In the field of clinical medicine, aside from other advancements, it has been found that the use of toripalimab in combination with paclitaxel and cisplatin (TP) has been found to be of significant help in treating patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

In the field of stomatology, along with other developments, advancements have been reported regarding maxillofacial implants in terms of improving their biocompatibility and eventually soft-tissue healing and bone formation. This has been done with the help of improved adsorption capacity while utilizing fibronectin in association with the titanium oxide (TiO2) surface.

Medical and biology innovation
(Source: Pixabay)

In the fields of medicine and biology, it has been reported that China has become independent in utilizing human pluripotent stem cells after gaining independence in the fields of transcription factor induction and nuclear transplantation. These techniques have helped China improve chemical reprogramming technologies and regenerative medicine.

In line with pharmacological advancements, experts have stated that China has developed a recombinant human anti-rabies virus monoclonal antibody injection that is faster to work and safer for patients. China’s treatment for tumors, including Icariin, which is an herbal medicine in China, is also among the notable advancements in the field of pharmacology and medicine.

Public health and environment innovation
(Source: Pixabay)

Considering the field of public health and environment, the country has also worked on the statistics for public health and environmental factors linked to public health. Experts in China have updated data regarding rates of intravenous thrombolysis and also published data regarding liver cancer and its risk factors, including tobacco smoking and utilizing solid fuels for cooking.

Eventually, in the field of biomedical engineering and informatics, experts have provided detailed information about the advancements made in the field of 5.0 T superconducting magnet MRI imaging systems, which have been made independently in China. The country has also made advancements in the field of proton therapy systems that can help improve the dose targeted at the tumor site. The country has also made progress with a dual-channel rechargeable implanted deep brain electrical stimulation pulse generator kit that can help stimulate the thalamic nucleus and eventually help in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease.


Gao, D., Wei, X., Yang, Y., Li, L., Qi, Y., Zhang, R., ... & Wang, C. (2024). Analysis and Evaluation of China Annual Major Medical Innovation 2022: A Mix‐Method Approach Study. Informatics and Health1(1), 40-48.