Google has already introduced the #AutoAwesome feature
in its Google+ enabling the users to see the falling snow through a picture
showing some ice or such things in it. Now the company has announced one more
feature, the “#AutoAwesome year in review.”
In the feature, Google will automatically sort through the
photos, select the best content and develop a slideshow composed of photos and
videos from the year of the user. User will be “notified whenever an awesome
(and private) version is ready to share.”
“Of course: many people have been saving and sharing their
photos and videos on Google+ all year long. And for those select users we’ve
got one more holiday gift: an #AutoAwesome year in
review. You’ll get notified in the next week or so if you have one of these
movies waiting for you.”
Previously, Facebook introduced the Year in Review feature
enabling users to see the noticeable moments on their Facebook life.
via +AnilSabharwal