Saturday, October 12, 2024

Day 19: Blender tutorial for making illustrations - Adding Voice Narration to Your Videos

Objective: Learn how to add your voiceover to your Blender animations using video editing tools. By the end of the day, you'll be able to narrate your visual illustrations to create more engaging and educational content.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Complete Your Animation:
    • Ensure you have an animation ready in Blender, such as a flowchart, mind map, or other educational illustration.
    • Render the animation as a video file. You can follow these steps:
      • Go to the Render Properties tab.
      • Under Output Properties, set the file format to a video format (e.g., FFmpeg Video).
      • Select the output folder and render the animation (press Ctrl + F12).
  2. Prepare Your Script:
    • Write a script for your narration. Make sure the script aligns with the visual content and highlights key points that need to be explained.
    • Practice speaking naturally and clearly. Your tone should match the content—e.g., calm and instructional for educational material.
  3. Record Your Voiceover:
    • Use an external audio recording tool (such as Audacity, which is free, or a similar software) to record your narration.
    • Ensure the audio quality is clear. Use a good microphone and record in a quiet space to avoid background noise.
    • After recording, export the file as .mp3 or .wav (both formats are widely supported in video editing software).
  4. Import Your Animation and Audio into Blender:
    • Open Blender and switch to the Video Editing workspace (found at the top of the Blender window).
    • In the video editor, import your rendered animation:
      • Go to Add > Movie and select your rendered video file.
    • Now, import your audio file:
      • Go to Add > Sound and select the narration file you recorded earlier.
  5. Sync Audio with the Animation:
    • Adjust the placement of the audio file in the timeline so that it aligns with the visuals.
    • Use the playback controls to preview and fine-tune the timing. Make sure your narration flows smoothly with the transitions or key visuals in the animation.
  6. Adjust Volume and Audio Quality:
    • If needed, adjust the volume of the audio by selecting the audio strip and tweaking the volume properties in the side panel (press N to bring up the properties).
    • Use basic audio effects like fade-in/fade-out for a polished finish.
  7. Export the Final Video:
    • Once you’re satisfied with the synchronization, it’s time to export the video.
    • Go to the Render Properties tab and ensure the settings are configured for video (e.g., FFmpeg Video).
    • In the Output section, choose the desired format (e.g., MP4 for YouTube).
    • Select the audio codec as AAC for the best compatibility.
    • Finally, click Render > Render Animation to export the video with both the animation and voiceover.
  8. Review and Refine:
    • Watch the final video to ensure the voiceover is clear and well-timed.
    • Make any adjustments as needed (e.g., adjust the volume, re-record certain sections, or tweak the timing).

Outcome: By the end of Day 19, you’ll have successfully added a narrated description to your illustration, making it more engaging and educational.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Post 22/30: VFX tutorial for Blender – Creating Explosions with Fluid Simulation in Blender

Goal: Learn how to create a realistic explosion using Blender’s fluid and smoke simulations.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Set Up the Scene

  1. Open Blender and start a new project.
  2. Delete the default cube by selecting it and pressing X.
  3. Add a sphere to act as the source of the explosion.
    • Press Shift + A → Mesh → UV Sphere.
    • Position the sphere in the center of your scene using G (Grab) and Z to move it along the Z-axis.

Step 2: Set Up the Domain for the Fluid Simulation

  1. Add a domain box around the sphere.
    • Press Shift + A → Mesh → Cube. Scale the cube to enclose the explosion area.
    • The domain should be large enough to contain the smoke from the explosion.
  2. With the cube (domain) selected, go to the Physics Properties tab and enable Fluid.
  3. Under the Fluid Type, set the domain type to Gas.

Step 3: Set Up the Sphere as the Fluid Source

  1. Select the sphere, go to the Physics Properties tab, and enable Fluid.
  2. Under Fluid Type, choose Flow.
  3. Set the Flow Type to Fire + Smoke. This will ensure your explosion contains both fire and smoke.
  4. Set the Flow Behavior to Inflow so the sphere emits fire and smoke.

Step 4: Adjust the Explosion Settings

  1. Go back to the Fluid Domain settings (select the domain box) and adjust the simulation parameters:
    • Resolution Divisions: Increase it to around 64 for better detail.
    • Enable Adaptive Domain to save on simulation time and keep the domain size dynamic.
  2. Scroll down and expand the Gas section:
    • Enable Noise to add more detail to the explosion.
    • Under Flames, tweak the Flame Rate to adjust how quickly the fire spreads.

Step 5: Bake the Simulation

  1. In the Physics Properties of the domain, scroll down to the Cache section.
  2. Set the End Frame to the number of frames you want for the explosion (e.g., 150).
  3. Press Bake to calculate the explosion simulation. This might take a few minutes depending on your hardware.

Step 6: Add Lighting

  1. Add a light source to your scene for better visuals:
    • Press Shift + A → Light → Point Light.
    • Position the light above the explosion for dramatic lighting. Adjust the light intensity in the Object Data Properties tab.

Step 7: Camera Setup and Rendering

  1. Set up a camera to capture the explosion:
    • Press Shift + A → Camera.
    • Position the camera using G and R to move and rotate it into place.
  2. Switch to the Camera View by pressing 0 on the numpad.
  3. Go to the Output Properties tab, set the resolution and frame rate, and select an output folder for the rendered animation.
  4. Press F12 to render a single frame or Ctrl + F12 to render the entire animation.

Step 8: Export the Animation

  1. After rendering, go to the Output Properties tab.
  2. Set the file format to FFmpeg video for exporting the explosion as a video.
  3. Press Ctrl + F12 to render the animation and export it as a shareable video.

Shareable Visual:

A fiery explosion with realistic smoke and fire effects, which you can share as an animation!


Day 18: Blender tutorial for making illustrations - Drawing Biological Processes (e.g., Cell Division) in Blender


Learn how to visually represent a biological process like cell division using Blender, including basic animation to showcase different stages of the process.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Open Blender and Set Up Your Workspace
    • Open Blender and reset the default scene if needed.
    • Use a top-down or front orthographic view (press 1 or 7 on the numpad) to work on a 2D plane.
  2. Create Basic Shapes for the Cells
    • Go to Add > Mesh > Circle to create the first cell.
    • In the Properties panel, adjust the circle's vertices to make it smooth (about 32 vertices).
    • Scale the circle to the desired size by pressing S and adjusting it.
  3. Duplicate the Cell for Division
    • Select the cell (A to select all if necessary), and duplicate it using Shift + D.
    • Move the duplicated circle slightly to the side to start representing the process of division.
  4. Shape the Cells for the Dividing Stages
    • Press Tab to go into Edit Mode. Select the circle’s vertices, and use proportional editing (O) to reshape the cell into a more oval form, simulating the stage where the cell begins to divide.
    • Repeat this step for the duplicated cell to create a pair of dividing cells.
  5. Animate the Cell Division
    • In the Timeline panel at the bottom, insert keyframes (I > Location) for the initial position of the two cells.
    • Move the timeline slider forward, then slightly adjust the position of the duplicated cell, representing the gradual separation of the two cells.
    • Insert another keyframe at the new position.
    • Repeat this to create the entire animation of a cell dividing into two over a few seconds.
  6. Adding Colors
    • Go to the Shading tab, and select the cells. Assign a new material to them.
    • Choose a color that represents the cells (e.g., green for plant cells or light blue for animal cells).
    • Apply the color to both the original and duplicated cells.
  7. Enhance the Scene with Labels and Arrows
    • Add text labels to indicate stages like "Interphase," "Prophase," "Metaphase," etc., by going to Add > Text.
    • Use Add > Mesh > Arrow to add arrows indicating the direction of the division process. Scale and position them appropriately.
  8. Add Camera Movement
    • Press Shift + A and add a Camera. Position it to capture the entire process.
    • Animate the camera to zoom in or pan across the scene by inserting keyframes (I > Location and Rotation) at different points in the timeline.
  9. Render the Animation
    • In the Output Properties tab, set the desired resolution (e.g., 1080p) and select the output format (MP4 or AVI).
    • Choose the frame range to render (e.g., frame 1 to 100).
    • Click Render > Render Animation to start the rendering process.
  10. Review and Refine
  • Once the render is complete, play the animation to ensure smooth transitions and that the cell division process is clear.
  • Make adjustments if needed (e.g., speed of division, camera angles).


You will have a simple animated illustration of a biological process, such as cell division, with smooth transitions between different stages. You can now start using similar techniques for other biological processes.

This sets the foundation for more complex educational content, including adding your voiceover and further refining the visual style.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

An important low-budget CDA-approved sector in Islamabad

The owner of the channel “investors point”, Rana Waqas, on Youtube discusses some of the cheapest properties/plots in Islamabad. He discusses that usually plots in CDA sectors are costly and difficult to purchase. He discusses that plots in Sector I-15 are less costly and can be purchased. Two of its subsectors, I-15/4 and I-15/3, have been approved for possession. For instance, in I-15/4, construction of houses has already been started. Electric poles have also been built in some areas and mostly those areas are possessionable. On the other hand, I-15/1 and I-15/2 are the areas, where Earth-work has already been started and drainage and sewerage work has also been completed. In the streets, first and second layers have been put, but third layer still remains, and after third layer, electric poles will be installed. The Sector I-15 has two sizes, including 5 marlas (25x50) and 7 marlas (30x60). Considering 5 marla plots, plots in I-15/1 and I-15/2 are available in the range of 55 lacs to 70 lacs, and in the possessionable area, plots are available in the range of 70 lacs to 85 lacs. Considering the 7 marla plots, they are available in the range of 80 lacs to 1.05 crores in the sectors I-15/1 and I-15/2, and in the sectors I-15/3 and I-15/4, the prices of 7 marla plots can range from 1 crore to 1.4 crores.

The host tells that I-15 sector is an economically best sector with a bright future. It is because in between I-15 and I-16, a 16th avenue will arise that will attach to Sri Nagar Highway. After this completion of 16th avenue, this sector would left I-14 behind in terms of prices.


investors point - Islamabad Mein Sasty Tareen Sectors | Cheapest Plot Is Islamabad | CDA | Real Estate | Islamabad C15 -

Post 21/30: VFX tutorial for Blender – Compositing Basics in Blender

Goal: Learn how to combine different render layers and effects using Blender’s compositor to create a unified final image or animation. Compositing allows you to blend various rendered elements and adjust them for post-processing, improving the final result.

Step-by-Step Guide

1.     Open Blender and Set Up the Scene:

    • Start Blender and either open a project or create a simple scene with at least two elements (e.g., a cube and a sphere).
    • Set up the lighting, camera, and basic materials for both objects.

2.     Render Layers Setup:

    • Go to the Properties Panel on the right side and navigate to the View Layer properties tab.
    • Under View Layers, create multiple layers by clicking the + button. Assign different objects to different layers (e.g., put the cube in one layer and the sphere in another).

3.     Render Settings Configuration:

    • Open the Render Properties (camera icon) and select Render Engine: Cycles for better results.
    • Make sure to enable Transparent Background in the Film section if you want to composite objects with transparency.

4.     Open the Compositing Workspace:

    • Switch to the Compositing tab at the top of the Blender interface.
    • Check the box labeled Use Nodes to activate the compositor. You’ll see the default Render Layers and Composite nodes.

5.     Add and Connect Render Layers:

    • Add two Render Layers nodes by pressing Shift + A, then choosing Input > Render Layers.
    • Connect each Render Layer node to a different view layer by selecting the appropriate view layer from the node dropdown menu.

6.     Mixing Render Layers:

    • Add a Mix node by pressing Shift + A and going to Color > Mix.
    • Connect the outputs of your two Render Layers nodes to the inputs of the Mix node.
    • Use the factor slider to blend the two layers (0 means showing the first layer, 1 means showing the second layer, and in-between values will blend both).

7.     Adjusting the Compositing:

    • Experiment with different Blend Modes (in the dropdown menu in the Mix node, such as Add, Multiply, or Overlay) to see how the two layers interact.
    • You can also add more nodes for color correction or special effects (e.g., Color Balance, Blur, Glare) to enhance the final image.

8.     Preview the Composite:

    • To preview your composite, click the backdrop checkbox in the compositor panel and drag a Viewer node into your node setup (Shift + A > Output > Viewer). Connect the output of your Mix node to the Viewer.
    • You should now see a preview of the composite in the background of the node editor.

9.     Render the Composite:

    • Once you're satisfied with the compositing, press F12 to render the final image or animation. Blender will combine the layers and effects into one seamless render.

Shareable Visual:

A final composited image with two or more elements blended together using various effects. You can add some color correction, lighting, or blur to enhance the realism.



Post 20/30: VFX tutorial for Blender – Force Fields in Particle Simulations



Learn how to use force fields to control and manipulate particle systems in Blender. Force fields can add dynamic effects such as wind or vortexes, creating more realistic or artistic animations.

Step-by-Step Tutorial:

1. Open Your Blender Project:

  • Start by launching Blender and opening a new or existing project where you can apply particle systems.

2. Set Up the Particle System:

  • Add an object: Go to AddMeshPlane. This plane will act as the emitter for your particles.
  • Set up particles: Select the plane, then go to the Particle Properties tab on the right. Click + to add a new particle system.
  • In the Emitter type, configure the settings under Number, Lifetime, and Frame Start/End as you wish. This controls how many particles are emitted and for how long.

3. Add a Force Field:

  • Insert a force field: Go to AddForce Field → choose any field you want to experiment with, such as Wind, Vortex, or Turbulence.
  • Position the force field: Move the force field close to the particle emitter using the G key for Grab.

4. Adjust Force Field Settings:

  • Select the force field and go to the Physics Properties tab.
  • Adjust the Strength to control how powerful the force field is. Play with values to see the effect in the particle system.
  • You can also modify settings like Flow, Noise, and Falloff to create more complex interactions.

5. Visualize the Force Field's Effect:

  • Press the Spacebar or Play button to see the simulation in action. You’ll notice the particles being influenced by the force field.
  • Experiment with different force field types (e.g., Wind for directional movement or Turbulence for chaotic motion).

6. Refine Particle System for Desired Look:

  • Adjust particle properties such as Size, Velocity, and Gravity in the particle settings to fine-tune how the particles react to the force fields.
  • For instance, increasing the particle velocity will make the particles move faster before the force field affects them.

7. Add Lighting and Camera:

  • To improve the presentation, add lighting to your scene. Go to AddLight → select Point or Sun.
  • Position the Camera to get a good view of your particles in motion. Use the N panel to lock the camera to view for easier positioning.

8. Render Your Scene:

  • After adjusting the particle system and force field interaction, go to the Render Properties tab and set your render engine to Eevee or Cycles depending on your preferences.
  • Click RenderRender Animation to create a shareable animation.

Shareable Visual:

  • You’ll have an animated particle system influenced by a force field (e.g., wind blowing particles or a vortex pulling them in).

This visual can be shared as an animated video clip showing the effects of Blender’s force fields on a particle system.


  • Test different force fields: Try combining multiple force fields like Wind and Turbulence to create more complex particle behavior.
  • Experiment with size and lifetime: Play with the particle system’s size and lifetime settings to achieve the most visually pleasing results.

By the end of this session, you'll have a dynamic animation where particle systems are influenced by force fields, demonstrating a key VFX technique in Blender.
