Thursday, October 24, 2024

Six important factors that can lead to increase in property rates and real estate business


The real estate market in Pakistan is going to go up during the next 4 to 6 months. The current account deficits in Pakistan would decrease that can help in improving the real estate market. This decrease can be linked to the amount/payment provided by IMF. Moreover, China, Saudi Arabia, and Russia are going to invest in Pakistan that can also help in improving economic stability. So, this foreign investment would help in the next few months.

Another point is that people from foreign countries would send money to Pakistan in the form of remittances that can also positively affect the real estate market. For instance, if we compare August from September, there has been about 29% increase in foreign remittances.

Another interesting thing is that inflation is very much controlled during the past several months. It is not increasing, and this is a positive sign. This helps people in thinking about things other than day to day operations, such as real estate.

It is also important to note that the devaluation of Pakistani Rupees in comparison to Dollar has stopped. Pakistani Rupee is very much stable at one place. This is interesting, as people may stop investing in money trading and may stop investing in other options, such as real estate.

The interest rate is also an interesting and important factor. It is gradually decreasing that can also lead to increased investment in other options. In 2025, it is said that interest rate would come in single digit.

Pakistan’s exports are also increasing that can also result in increased investment in real estate. Exports result in more inflow of dollars, which is beneficial.


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