Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Post 12/30: VFX tutorial for Blender – Dynamic Lighting (Animating Lights)


Goal: Understand how to animate lighting to enhance your scenes.

Step 1: Set Up Your Scene

1.     Open Blender.

    • Start a new project or open the scene you created on Day 11.

2.     Create a Simple Scene.

    • Add a plane for the ground (Shift + A > Mesh > Plane).
    • Create a few objects (cubes, spheres, etc.) to illuminate.
    • Scale and position these objects as you prefer.

Step 2: Add Light Sources

1.     Add a Light.

    • Select your scene and press Shift + A > Light > Point (or any other light type, like Area or Sun).
    • Position the light above your objects to start.

2.     Adjust Light Properties.

    • Select the light and go to the Light Properties tab (the light bulb icon).
    • Adjust the Power to set the intensity of the light.

Step 3: Animate the Light

1.     Select the Light Source.

    • Go to the frame where you want the animation to start (Frame 1).

2.     Insert Keyframes for the Light’s Location.

    • With the light selected, press I > Location to insert a keyframe for the light’s position.

3.     Move to Another Frame.

    • Move to Frame 30 (or any frame you prefer for the animation end).

4.     Change the Light's Position.

    • Move the light to a new location (e.g., higher, lower, or to the side).

5.     Insert Another Keyframe.

    • Press I > Location again to set the new position as a keyframe.

Step 4: Animate Light Intensity

1.     Change Frame for Intensity Animation.

    • Move to Frame 15.

2.     Adjust Light Power.

    • Change the Power in the Light Properties tab (e.g., lower it or increase it).

3.     Insert a Keyframe for Power.

    • Press I > Strength to record this new intensity.

4.     Go to Frame 30.

    • Adjust the Power to another value (increase or decrease).

5.     Insert Another Keyframe.

    • Press I > Strength to set this change.

Step 5: Preview Your Animation

  1. Play the Animation.
    • Press the Spacebar to see how the light moves and how its intensity changes over time.
    • Make adjustments to timing and position as needed by moving keyframes in the Timeline.

Step 6: Render Your Animation

1.     Set Render Settings.

    • Go to the Output Properties tab (the printer icon).
    • Set your output resolution and file format (e.g., FFmpeg for video).

2.     Render the Animation.

    • Go to Render > Render Animation to generate your animated scene.

Step 7: Share Your Work

  1. Export Your Rendered Animation.
    • Save the rendered animation file in a shareable format.
  2. Share Your Visual.
    • Post it on social media, forums, or platforms like YouTube or Vimeo to showcase your work!

Shareable Visual:

  • Your final product should be a short animation showing your dynamic lighting in action, highlighting how the light moves and changes intensity over time.


  • Experiment with different types of lights (Area, Sun, Spot) for unique effects.
  • Play with the Color of the lights to add atmosphere to your scene.
  • Adjust the Shadow settings in the Light Properties for more realism.


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