Monday, October 21, 2024

Day 6: A challenge to learn basics of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using lavaan and semPlot packages in R

During the next 12 days, I will learn and repeat the basics of structural equation modeling (SEM) using lavaan and semPlot packages in R.

You can search my lavaan posts by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_lavaan , and semPlot posts by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_semPlot


During this day, lavaan and semPlot packages are loaded. Then, an SEM model is defined. Following lines of codes can be used:


# Load packages




# Define the SEM model

model <- '

  # Direct effect

  retirement_planning ~ financial_literacy


  # Indirect effects

  financial_literacy ~ income_level

  savings_behavior ~ income_level + financial_literacy

  retirement_planning ~ savings_behavior



Then, a supposed data is prepared using the following lines of codes:


# Simulate example data


data <- data.frame(

  income_level = rnorm(100, mean = 50000, sd = 15000),  # Income level

  financial_literacy = rnorm(100, mean = 60, sd = 10),  # Financial literacy score

  savings_behavior = rnorm(100, mean = 5000, sd = 2000),  # Savings behavior

  retirement_planning = rnorm(100, mean = 70, sd = 15)  # Retirement planning score



The SEM model is fit in the data, and eventually the SEM model is visualized using the semPlot.


# Fit the SEM model

fit <- sem(model, data = data)


# View the summary of the model fit

summary(fit, standardized = TRUE, fit.measures = TRUE)


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