Thursday, September 19, 2024

Post 2/30: VFX tutorial for Blender - Object Manipulation & Basic Transformations



Learn to move, rotate, and scale objects to create a simple scene with multiple shapes.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Open Your Previous Project or Start a New One

  • Open Previous Project: If you want to continue from Day 1, go to File > Open and select your "Day1_Project.blend" file.
  • Start Fresh: Alternatively, open Blender and start a new file by selecting File > New > General.

Step 2: Clear the Scene (Optional)

  • Delete Default Objects: Select the default cube, camera, and light one by one, pressing X and confirming to delete them. This will give you a clean slate.

Step 3: Add New Objects to the Scene

  • Add Shapes:
    • Press Shift + A to bring up the Add Menu.
    • Navigate to Mesh and add different shapes like Cube, UV Sphere, Cylinder, or Cone.
    • Add at least three different objects to your scene to practice manipulations.

Step 4: Move Objects (Grab)

  • Select an Object: Left-click on one of the objects to select it.
  • Move the Object:
    • Press G to grab and move the object freely.
    • Use the X, Y, and Z axes to control movement:
      • Press G + X to move along the X-axis (left/right).
      • Press G + Y to move along the Y-axis (forward/backward).
      • Press G + Z to move along the Z-axis (up/down).
    • Confirm the movement with a left-click or cancel with a right-click.

Step 5: Rotate Objects

  • Rotate the Object:
    • Select an object and press R to rotate it freely.
    • Use specific axes to control rotation:
      • R + X for rotating around the X-axis.
      • R + Y for rotating around the Y-axis.
      • R + Z for rotating around the Z-axis.
    • Adjust the rotation angle to your liking, and confirm with a left-click.

Step 6: Scale Objects

  • Scale the Object:
    • Select an object and press S to scale it uniformly.
    • For axis-specific scaling:
      • S + X to scale along the X-axis.
      • S + Y to scale along the Y-axis.
      • S + Z to scale along the Z-axis.
    • Confirm the scale change with a left-click.

Step 7: Duplicate Objects (Optional)

  • Duplicate an Object:
    • Select an object you want to duplicate.
    • Press Shift + D to duplicate the selected object, then move it to the desired position.
    • Left-click to confirm the duplicate’s position.

Step 8: Arrange Objects into a Simple Scene

  • Use the move, rotate, and scale tools to arrange your objects into a visually pleasing composition.
  • Experiment with different positions, rotations, and sizes to create a balanced scene.

Step 9: Adjust Lighting

  • Move the Light Source:
    • Select the light in your scene (or add a new one with Shift + A > Light > Point).
    • Move (G), rotate (R), or scale (S) the light to adjust how it illuminates your objects.

Step 10: Camera Adjustment

  • Position the Camera:
    • Select the camera in the Outliner or viewport.
    • Press Numpad 0 to see through the camera.
    • Adjust the camera view by pressing G (move) and R (rotate) until you find the best angle for your scene.

Step 11: Render Your Scene

  • Render the Image:
    • Press F12 to render your current view.
    • Once the render completes, review the lighting and object arrangement.

Step 12: Save Your Rendered Image

  • Save the Image:
    • In the render window, go to Image > Save As.
    • Choose a location and format (e.g., PNG), and save your image.

Step 13: Save Your Blender Project

  • Save Your Work:
    • Go to File > Save As, name your file (e.g., "Day2_Project.blend"), and save your progress.


  • Today, you’ve learned how to manipulate objects by moving, rotating, and scaling them.
  • You created a simple scene with different shapes, adjusted lighting, and rendered a shareable image.
  • These basic transformations form the foundation for all object manipulation in Blender, allowing you to start building more complex scenes over the coming days.

Enjoy experimenting with your new skills, and keep your scene files organized as you progress through the 30-day VFX journey!



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