Thursday, February 18, 2016

Do not ever blame those lazy beings…

Main Points: Lazy workers, in insect colonies, are very important for long-term sustainability of those colonies.

Why we smile, when someone smiles in front of us?

Main Points: We smile, when others smile, and we feel sad, when we see others feeling sad, because we are just trying to know their feelings by mimicking their expressions, involuntarily.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Run (in a real meaning) to move away from cancer

Main Points: Running (exercise) could reduce the growth of cancer, i.e. incidences of tumor and tumor size decrease because of running.

New model says that the Universe has no start and it existed forever

Main Points: According to a new model, Big Bang never happened and Universe existed forever without any beginning.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Technically good news for paralyzed people

Main Points: Newly developed paperclip sized, mind control device can be placed in the brain, and can be used to help the people with paralysis to walk again.