Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Methionine: Sulfur containing nutritionally important amino acid.

Megaloblastic anemia

Megaloblastic anemia: Megaloblast is an abnormally large red blood cell that is not properly mature. Referring to this megaloblastic anemia is that of type in which anemia is caused by unusually large red blood cells.


Macrocyte: It is that type of red blood cell that is abnormally large.


Leukemia: A type of blood cancer which is caused by progressive proliferation of leukocytes.

Intrinsic factor

Intrinsic factor: it is a small protein made up by the stomach and involved in the absorption of Vitamin B12.


Hypochromic: It denotes less than the normal amount of some substance in a particular tissue.


Homolog: It denotes a part or organ that has same evolutionary origin as some other part or organ but completely differs from that part or organ in functionality.