Objective: Create a simple mind map from scratch while learning to use
layers in Blender to organize different components effectively.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Open Blender:
- Start a new Blender project by opening Blender and
selecting "General" from the splash screen.
2. Set Up Your Scene:
- Delete the default cube by selecting it and pressing X to delete it.
3. Create Basic Nodes:
- Add a Circle:
- Press Shift + A to open the Add menu.
- Select Mesh > Circle. This will be your
first node.
- Resize the Circle:
- Press S to scale it down slightly, if needed.
- Duplicate for More Nodes:
- With the circle selected, press Shift + D
to duplicate it. Move the duplicate to a new position.
- Repeat this to create a few more circles to represent
your mind map nodes.
4. Add Text Labels:
- Create Text:
- Press Shift + A and select Text.
- Edit Text:
- With the text object selected, go to the Properties
Panel (press N if it’s not visible).
- Under the Text tab, change the text to label your
nodes (e.g., “Main Idea,” “Subtopic 1,” etc.).
- Position the Text:
- Move the text close to its corresponding node using
the G key (grab) to position it.
5. Create a Collection for
- Go to the Outliner (top right panel).
- Right-click and select New Collection. Name it
“Mind Map.”
- Drag and drop all your circles and text objects into
this new collection.
6. Create Connecting Lines:
- Add a Line:
- Press Shift + A and select Mesh > Cylinder.
- Resize and Position:
- Scale the cylinder down along the Z-axis (S, then
- Move it to connect two nodes.
- Duplicate Lines:
- Duplicate the line for other connections between nodes
as needed.
7. Organize Lines into a Collection:
- In the Outliner, create another collection named
- Move all your connecting lines into this collection.
8. Color the Elements:
- Select a node or line, go to the Material Properties
(the sphere icon in the Properties Panel).
- Click New to create a new material, and adjust
the base color to your preference.
- Repeat this for each node and line for better visual
9. Use Layers to Manage Visibility:
- Press M while an object is selected to move it to a different
- Organize your elements by moving some nodes to one
layer and others to a different layer.
10. Save Your Work:
- Go to File > Save As and save your project
with an appropriate name (e.g., “Mind_Map_Scratch.blend”).
By the end of this session, you
should have a basic mind map structure organized into layers and collections.
This setup will allow you to easily edit, animate, or enhance your visuals in
future sessions.