Saturday, March 5, 2011


It is an anti-bacterial drug and is derived from hydroxylated quinolines.

Mechanism of Action:
It causes the replication of DNA of bacteria.

Area postrema

Area postrema: A small elevated area in the fourth ventricle in the brain involving the chemoreceptor trigger zone.


Arachnoid: Middle delicate fibrous membrane of central nervous system.

Arachidonic Acid

Arachidonic Acid: It is a 20-carbon fatty acid, usually essential in nutrients, and is the primary precursor of prostaglandins and related compounds. It is present as a component of the phospholipids of cell membranes. Enzyme Phospholipase A2 causes the release of free Arachidonic acid.

Aplastic anemia

Aplastic anemia: Aplastic means inability to produce new cells. Referring to this hemolytic anemia is a serious type of anemia caused by the inability of bone marrow cells to produce red blood cells. It is also referred to as pancytopenia.


Anuria: It shows the absence of urine forming ability of kidney.

Antithrombin III

Antithrombin III: it is an α-globulin protease inhibitor causing the inhibition of serine proteases and factor IIa and factor Xa.