Showing posts with label statistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label statistics. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Day 1: A challenge to learn basics of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using lavaan and semPlot packages in R

During the next 12 days, I will learn and repeat the basics of structural equation modeling (SEM) using lavaan and semPlot packages in R.

You can search my lavaan posts by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_lavaan , and semPlot posts by typing: #UsmanZafarParacha_semPlot


During this day, I will learn about the use of SEM in Psychology (Cognitive and Behavioral Research). The example is investigating the relationship between stress, self-esteem, and academic performance. For this example, the model is that stress negatively affects self-esteem, which in turn impacts academic performance. SEM helps to model the direct effect of stress on performance, as well as the indirect effect via self-esteem. A hypothetical dataset will be used.

Initially, lavaan and semPlot packages are loaded, and a hypothetical dataset is developed, using the following lines of codes:





# Create a sample dataset

set.seed(123) # For reproducibility

n <- 100 # Number of participants


data <- data.frame(

  stress = rnorm(n, mean = 50, sd = 10),          # Stress scores

  self_esteem = rnorm(n, mean = 70, sd = 10),     # Self-esteem scores

  academic_performance = rnorm(n, mean = 75, sd = 10) # Academic performance scores



# Check the dataset



Then, we define the relationships between the variables. For instance, stress directly affects self-esteem, self-esteem directly affects academic performance, and stress indirectly affects academic performance through self-esteem. These relationships can be written as follows:


# Define the SEM model

model <- '

  # Direct effects

  self_esteem ~ stress

  academic_performance ~ self_esteem


  # Indirect effect via self_esteem

  academic_performance ~ stress


Then, the lavaan function is used to fit the model, using the following lines of codes:

# Fit the SEM model

fit <- sem(model, data = data)


# Check the summary of the model

summary(fit, fit.measures = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)


The summary provides important information, including path coefficients, standard errors, p-values, and fit indices like RMSEA, CFI, and TLI.


Then, the results are interpreted using the summary(fit) function. For instance, Path Coefficients show the strength and direction of relationships between variables; Significance check the p-values to determine whether relationships are statistically significant; and Fit Indices show Good model fit is indicated by RMSEA < 0.06, CFI > 0.95, and TLI > 0.95.


Then, the model is visualized with semPlot package, using the following lines of codes:


# Plot the SEM model

semPaths(fit, what = "std",

         layout = "tree",

         edge.label.cex = 1.2,

         sizeMan = 6,

         sizeLat = 8)


The model can also be modified using the following:

# Define a new SEM model with mediation

mediation_model <- '

  # Mediation

  self_esteem ~ stress

  academic_performance ~ self_esteem

  academic_performance ~ stress



# Fit the new model

mediation_fit <- sem(mediation_model, data = data)


# Summary with fit measures

summary(mediation_fit, fit.measures = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)


# Visualize the mediation model

semPaths(mediation_fit, what = "std",

         layout = "circle",

         edge.label.cex = 1.2,

         sizeMan = 6,

         sizeLat = 8)



Monday, November 15, 2021

Statistics par kuch zyada hi aitmaad hai (Urdu)

This video (in Urdu) relates to the topic of statistics and its overusage in our daily lives. In other words, we show overreliance on statistics. Hope, you will like it and share it with others.

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