Showing posts with label GRE General Preparation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRE General Preparation. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27, 2010

English Vocabulary

Altricial: Helpless and dependent

Altruism: Unselfish regard or concern for others

Alumna: Woman graduate

Alumnus: Man graduate

Amandine: Serving with almonds

Amanuensis: Assistant of a writer

Amateur: Layman

Amaurosis: Blindness

Amazon: Giantess

Ambidextrous: Ability to use either hand

1. Alumnus:

a. Layman
b. Blindness
c. Man graduate
d. Giantess
2. Amanuensis

a. Assistant of a writer
b. Layman
c. Helpless and dependent
d. Unselfish regard or concern for others
3. Altricial

a. Ability to use either hand
b. Woman graduate
c. Serving with almonds
d. Helpless and dependent

(This post is helpful for the preparation of test of GRE general)
Further reading:

Friday, March 26, 2010

English Vocabulary

Allegro: Quickly

Allure: Attracting powerfully
Alluvion: Land formation
Almoner: Hospital Social Worker
Aloin: Laxative
Aloof: Distant
Alp: High land or high mountain
Alpenglow: Sunglow on highlands or mountains
Alpinist: Climber
Altercate: Bicker, To argue in a bad tampered way
1. Alluvion
a. Quickly
b. Laxative
c. Land formation
d. Climber
2. Aloof

a. Distant
b. Climber
c. Bicker
d. High land
3. Alpinist

a. Bicker
b. Climber
c. Attracting powerfully
d. Hospital social worker
Further Reading: