Saturday, February 11, 2012

Racial differences of kidney transplantation

Researchers have published online in the American Journal of Transplantation blacks have 59% less rates of kidney transplantation in the southeastern center.

From SayPeople,

Researchers worked on 2291 patients at Emory transplant center as well as those from the United States Renal Data System and the United Network for Organ Sharing, from 2005 to 2007 followed through May 2010, and found “racial disparities” in access to transplant evaluation, referral, wait-listing and eventual transplant. “Of 2291 patients, 64.9% were black, the mean age was 49.4 years and 33.6% lived in poor neighborhoods.” Among them 57.3% were male and 16.1% were without any health insurance coverage. 
Researchers have found that black patients constitute about 56% of the waiting list but only 44% of those got eventual transplantation. They have found the biggest inequalities in the time between diagnosis and referral, i.e. 283 days for blacks and 84 days for whites, and time spent on the waiting list, i.e. 727 days for blacks versus 374 days for whites. However, according to researchers at the national level blacks get equivalent rate of transplantation as whites.
Further Reading:

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