Saturday, March 27, 2010

Official books used in pharmacy

1.Current edition of British Pharmacopoeia comprises ………… volumes which contain nearly ………… monographs for drug substances, excipients and formulated preparations

a. 6 , 3000
b. 8 , 4000
c. 7 , 3500
d. 5 , 2500
2. The British Pharmaceutical Codex (BPC) was first published in……….. to supplement the British Pharmacopoeia.

3. These standards help to ensure the quality, purity, ……… and consistency of products made for public consumption

a. dosage
b. potency
c. strength
d. quantity
4. USP's standards are recognized and used in more than ……… countries around the globe.

a. 140
b. 240
c. 130
d. 150
5. A National Formulary is a manual containing a list of medicines that are approved for ………….throughout the country.

a. leaflet
b. formula
c. labbeling
d. prescription
Answers to MCQs of Official books used in Pharmacy
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. c
5. d

(This blog is helpful for students of Pharmacy in the 1st semester) 

Further reading:

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