Saturday, March 20, 2010


Multiple Choice Questions in Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry

1 .Each atom of an element is described by following 

a .Atomic weight
b. Atomic number
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
2. Each electron is assigned 

a. 1 quantum number
b. 2 quantum numbers
c. 3 quantum numbers
d. 4 quantum numbers
3. The subquantum number and magnetic spin quantum number is represented by

a. l and ml respectively
b. n and l respectively
c. n and ml respectively
d. ml and l respectively
4. Principle quantum number describes

a. Relative position of an energy level with respect to the other energy levels present
b. the different electron distributions possible for a given value of n
c. the magnetic contribution to the angular momentum due to the movement of the electrons in space
d. the magnetic component contributed by the spin of the electron
5. The permitted values for l and ml are

a. 1,2,3..... and 0,1,2...,(n-1) respectively
b. 0,1,2,3....,(n-1) and -l,.....0,....+l respectively
c. 0,1,2,3,....(n-1) and +-1/2 respectively
d. 1,2,3.... and +-1/2 respectively
6. The energy required for the removal of electron of least energy is known as

a. Ionization potential
b. Electronegativity
c. Polarization
d. None of the above
7. _______ have high ionization potentials

a. Metals
b. Metalloids
c. Non-metals
d. both a and b
8. ________ have high electronegativities

a. Metals
b. Metalloids
c. Non-metals
d. both b and c
9. The extent of polarization is directly proportional to the difference in

a. Ionization potential
b. Electronegativity
c. Electropositivity
d. Both a and b
10. Atoms with orbitals occupied by an unshared pair of electrons can share this electron pair with an atom lacking two or more electrons in its valence shell. This bond formed is said to be a

a. Ionic bond
b. Covalent bond
c. Co-ordinate covalent bond
d. Both b and c
11. Covalent compounds have

a. low melting and high boiling points
b. low m.p. and b.p.
c. high m.p. and low b.p.
d. high m.p. and b.p.
12. The simple anions are named using

a. -ic
b. -ous
c. -ide
d. -ate
13. Eka-silicon is now known as

a. Silicon
b. Sulphur
c. Phosphorus
d. Germanium
14. Orbital electrons are important because

a. They predict the possible oxidation states
b. The shielding of the nuclear charge
c. The polarizability for each element
d. All of the above

15. Mostly ________ are protein precipitants.

a. Metallic elements
b. Metalloids
c. Non-metallic elements
d. Both a and b

Answers to Multiple Choice questions of Introduction in Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. c
11. b
12. c
13. d
14. a
15. d

Further reading:
Modern Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Rogers' Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry

A text-book of inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry,

Inorganic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry

Comprehensive MCQs in Chemistry

McQ Tutor: Clinical Chemistry

MCQ tutor for students of clinical chemistry

MCQs Chemistry - I.K. s MCQ Series for Medical Entrance Examinations (Includes Pre Solved Papers of Five Years)

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